Gap Analysis Using BPMN Approach


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation is crucial for organizations aiming to stay competitive. The integration of technology with traditional processes enhances efficiency, improves customer experiences, and opens new growth avenues. However, navigating this transformation presents challenges. This article outlines strategies for successful digital transformation, emphasizing the importance of As-Is, To-Be, and Gap analyses in business improvement.

As-Is, To-Be, and Gap Analysis in Business Improvement

1. As-Is Analysis

  • Definition: A comprehensive examination of existing processes, systems, and workflows.
  • Purpose: Understand current operations to identify areas for enhancement.
  • Methodology:
    • Process Mapping: Visual representations (e.g., BPMN diagrams) of current workflows.
    • Data Collection: Gather quantitative and qualitative data (cycle times, error rates).
    • Stakeholder Interviews: Engage individuals involved in the process for insights and feedback.

2. To-Be Analysis

  • Definition: Envisioning and designing an improved version of existing processes.
  • Purpose: Create a vision for how processes should ideally function.
  • Methodology:
    • Process Redesign: Reimagine workflows to eliminate bottlenecks.
    • Technology Integration: Identify technology solutions to enhance processes.
    • Performance Metrics: Define KPIs to measure success.
    • Change Management: Plan for transition, including training and communication.

3. Gap Analysis

  • Definition: Comparing As-Is and To-Be states to identify discrepancies or gaps.
  • Purpose: Understand necessary changes and opportunities for improvement.
  • Methodology:
    • Comparison: Assess the documented As-Is state against the To-Be state.
    • Gap Identification: Identify areas of inefficiency, technology shortcomings, or skill deficiencies.
    • Prioritization: Rank gaps based on impact and feasibility.
    • Action Plan: Develop a detailed plan to address identified gaps.

Example: Inventory System

As-Is Process

  1. Customer Order Receipt: Sales representative receives a purchase order through the online platform.
  2. Stock Checking: Manual review of inventory records to check stock levels.
  3. Inventory Assessment: Inform customer if stock is insufficient and suggest amendments.
  4. Packing: Pack items if stock is available.
  5. Shipping and Invoicing: Ship packed items and generate invoices.

As-Is BPMN Diagram:

To-Be Process

  1. Customer Order Receipt: Remains the same.
  2. Inventory Management: Automated system checks stock levels in real-time.
  3. Warehouse Allocation: System checks stock availability and prompts packing or order amendments.
  4. Packing and Shipping: Streamlined packing process based on warehouse stock.
  5. Invoicing: Similar to As-Is process.

To-Be BPMN Diagram:

Benefits of the To-Be Process

  • Efficiency: Automation reduces delays caused by manual stock checking.
  • Resource Relief: Sales representatives can focus on customer interactions.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Better control and accuracy in inventory management.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Faster order processing leads to improved satisfaction.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Gap Analysis Using BPMN Approach

When embarking on a Gap Analysis using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) in the context of digital transformation, consider the following tips and tricks to enhance your process and outcomes:

1. Engage Stakeholders Early

  • Involve Key Players: Ensure that all relevant stakeholders, including process owners and end-users, are involved from the outset. Their insights and buy-in are vital for accurately mapping the As-Is process and envisioning the To-Be state.
  • Conduct Workshops: Organize collaborative workshops to gather input and foster team alignment on goals and expectations.

2. Utilize Clear Process Mapping Techniques

  • BPMN Best Practices: Familiarize yourself with BPMN symbols and conventions to create clear and standardized diagrams. This will enhance communication and understanding among team members.
  • Iterative Mapping: Start with high-level process maps and progressively add detail. This approach helps to maintain focus and clarity without overwhelming stakeholders.

3. Collect Comprehensive Data

  • Quantitative and Qualitative: Gather both quantitative data (e.g., cycle times, error rates) and qualitative insights (e.g., employee feedback) to gain a holistic view of current processes.
  • Performance Metrics: Establish baseline performance metrics to compare against future improvements during the Gap Analysis.

4. Identify and Prioritize Gaps Effectively

  • Use a Structured Framework: Apply a systematic framework for identifying gaps, such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, to ensure a comprehensive assessment.
  • Prioritize Based on Impact: Rank identified gaps by their potential impact on the organization and the feasibility of closing them. Focus on high-impact areas first.

5. Leverage Technology for Automation

  • Integrate Tools: Consider integrating technology solutions that can automate data collection and process monitoring. This can improve accuracy and reduce manual effort.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Implement systems that allow for real-time tracking of processes, helping to quickly identify issues and streamline operations.

6. Develop a Robust Action Plan

  • Detailed Steps: Outline clear, actionable steps for addressing each identified gap, including timelines, resources, and responsible parties.
  • Change Management Strategy: Incorporate a change management plan to facilitate the transition from the As-Is to the To-Be state. Address potential resistance and ensure adequate training and support.

7. Continuously Monitor and Adjust

  • Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms for continuous feedback during and after implementation. This will help in identifying new gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Performance Reviews: Regularly review performance metrics against the defined KPIs to assess the effectiveness of changes and make necessary adjustments.

8. Document Everything

  • Maintain Clear Records: Document all findings, decisions, and changes throughout the analysis process. This will serve as a valuable resource for future reference and audits.
  • Visual Documentation: Use BPMN diagrams not only for current and future processes but also to illustrate gaps and action plans visually.

9. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

  • Encourage Innovation: Promote an organizational culture that values continuous improvement and innovation. Encourage employees to share ideas for process enhancements.
  • Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones achieved during the transformation process to maintain momentum and enthusiasm.

By following these tips and tricks, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of Gap Analysis using BPMN. This structured approach will help bridge the divide between current and desired states, driving successful digital transformation and operational excellence. Embrace the journey, leverage insights, and remain adaptable to thrive in a dynamic business environment.


The journey from the current state to a future state of excellence begins with understanding where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. The interrelated As-Is, To-Be, and Gap analyses provide a structured approach to evaluate operations and design efficient future states.

  • As-Is Analysis: Captures the present state with precision.
  • To-Be Analysis: Envisions a better future through innovation.
  • Gap Analysis: Bridges the present and future by transforming insights into actionable steps.

These analyses are not just methodologies; they embody a philosophy of growth and adaptability. As organizations embrace digital transformation, they will find that continuous improvement leads to operational excellence and lasting success. By leveraging the power of these analyses, businesses shape their future, enhancing customer experiences and driving innovation.

Business Process Improvement: An Overview of As-Is and To-Be Analysis

Business process improvement (BPI) is a strategic approach that organizations employ to enhance their processes, increase efficiency, and achieve better outcomes. A crucial part of BPI is the analysis of current processes (As-Is) compared to desired future processes (To-Be). This article explores what As-Is and To-Be analysis entails, why it is essential, when to undertake it, who should be involved, and how to conduct it effectively.

How to Develop As-Is and To-Be Business Process

What is As-Is and To-Be Analysis?

  • As-Is Analysis: This refers to the examination of current processes within an organization. It includes mapping out workflows, identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas of waste, and understanding how tasks are currently performed. The goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of existing operations.
  • To-Be Analysis: This focuses on envisioning the future state of processes. It involves designing improved workflows that eliminate inefficiencies and enhance productivity. The To-Be state represents the ideal processes that align with organizational goals and customer expectations.

Why is As-Is and To-Be Analysis Important?

  1. Identifying Inefficiencies: As-Is analysis helps organizations pinpoint specific areas that require improvement. Understanding current pain points is vital for effective change.
  2. Setting Clear Objectives: By defining the To-Be state, organizations can set clear, measurable goals for what they wish to achieve through process improvement.
  3. Alignment with Strategic Goals: This analysis ensures that process improvements align with broader business objectives, enhancing overall performance and customer satisfaction.
  4. Facilitating Change Management: Having a clear understanding of the current and desired states helps in managing change effectively, reducing resistance from stakeholders.

When to Conduct As-Is and To-Be Analysis?

  • Before Implementing New Technologies: When integrating new systems or software, understanding existing processes is crucial to ensure compatibility and optimize functionality.
  • During Organizational Change: Mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring often necessitate a reevaluation of processes to ensure alignment with new goals.
  • When Facing Performance Issues: If an organization is experiencing declining performance or customer dissatisfaction, an analysis can uncover root causes.
  • Periodically for Continuous Improvement: Regularly revisiting processes helps maintain efficiency and adapt to changing market conditions.

Who Should Be Involved?

  1. Process Owners and Stakeholders: Individuals who own or are significantly impacted by the processes should be actively involved to provide insights and perspectives.
  2. Cross-Functional Teams: Engaging representatives from different departments fosters collaboration and ensures a holistic view of processes.
  3. Business Analysts: Skilled analysts can facilitate the process, using tools and methodologies to map current processes and design future states.
  4. Leadership: Involvement from top management is crucial for support and to ensure that the analysis is aligned with strategic objectives.

How to Conduct As-Is and To-Be Analysis?

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with the analysis. This could include reducing costs, improving quality, or enhancing customer satisfaction.
  2. Map the As-Is Process:
    • Gather data through interviews, document reviews, and observations.
    • Create flowcharts or diagrams to visualize current workflows.
    • Identify pain points, redundancies, and bottlenecks.
  3. Analyze the As-Is State:
    • Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of current processes.
    • Use techniques such as root cause analysis to understand underlying issues.
  4. Design the To-Be Process:
    • Brainstorm potential improvements and innovations.
    • Develop new process maps that illustrate improved workflows.
    • Consider the use of technology to enhance efficiency.
  5. Evaluate the To-Be Process:
    • Assess the feasibility of the proposed changes.
    • Involve stakeholders for feedback and validation.
  6. Implement Changes:
    • Develop an implementation plan that includes timelines, responsibilities, and resource allocation.
    • Communicate changes to all affected employees and provide necessary training.
  7. Monitor and Review:
    • After implementation, continuously monitor the new processes to ensure they meet objectives.
    • Be prepared to make adjustments based on feedback and performance metrics.

Case Study: Business Process Improvement at XYZ Manufacturing

XYZ Manufacturing, a mid-sized company specializing in automotive parts, faced challenges with production efficiency and customer satisfaction. Despite a strong market presence, the company experienced delays in order fulfillment and high operational costs. To address these issues, XYZ Manufacturing decided to embark on a Business Process Improvement (BPI) initiative using As-Is and To-Be analysis.


The primary objectives of the BPI initiative were to:

  1. Reduce Lead Time: Decrease the time taken from order placement to delivery.
  2. Improve Quality: Enhance product quality by minimizing defects.
  3. Increase Customer Satisfaction: Achieve a higher customer satisfaction score through timely deliveries and quality products.

As-Is Analysis

Data Gathering

The project team conducted interviews with key stakeholders, including production managers, quality control personnel, and logistics staff. They also reviewed production data and observed workflows on the shop floor.

Process Mapping

The team created flowcharts to visualize the current production process, which consisted of the following steps:

  1. Order Placement
  2. Production Scheduling
  3. Material Procurement
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Quality Control
  6. Shipping

Identified Pain Points

During the As-Is analysis, several inefficiencies were identified:

  • Long Lead Times: Production scheduling was reactive rather than proactive, leading to delays.
  • Material Delays: Inconsistent inventory levels resulted in production halts.
  • Quality Issues: High defect rates during manufacturing caused rework and increased costs.
  • Communication Gaps: Lack of real-time updates between departments led to misunderstandings and delays.

To-Be Analysis

Designing the Future State

Based on the findings from the As-Is analysis, the team held brainstorming sessions to design the To-Be process. Key improvements included:

  1. Proactive Scheduling System: Implementing a demand forecasting tool to improve production scheduling.
  2. Inventory Management Software: Adopting a just-in-time inventory system to ensure materials were available when needed.
  3. Quality Management System (QMS): Introducing a QMS to monitor quality metrics in real-time and address issues promptly.
  4. Enhanced Communication Tools: Utilizing collaborative software to provide real-time updates across departments.

New Process Mapping

The To-Be process was mapped out to reflect the proposed changes, emphasizing streamlined workflows and reduced handoffs.


Action Plan

An implementation plan was developed, outlining:

  • Timeline: A phased approach over six months.
  • Responsibilities: Assigning team members to lead each initiative.
  • Training: Providing training sessions for staff on new systems and processes.


The company launched the new systems and processes in phases. Training sessions were conducted, and feedback mechanisms were established to monitor progress.


Performance Metrics

After six months, XYZ Manufacturing evaluated the impact of the BPI initiative:

  • Lead Time Reduction: Lead times decreased by 30%, leading to faster order fulfillment.
  • Quality Improvement: Defect rates dropped by 40%, significantly reducing rework costs.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction scores improved from 75% to 90%.

Continuous Monitoring

The company established a continuous monitoring system to track performance metrics and ensure ongoing improvements. Regular reviews with stakeholders were scheduled to discuss progress and address any emerging issues.


As-Is and To-Be analysis is a fundamental component of business process improvement. By methodically evaluating current processes and designing improved future states, organizations can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and achieve strategic goals. Engaging the right stakeholders and following a structured approach ensures that process improvements are effective and sustainable. Embracing this analysis as a regular practice can lead to ongoing enhancements, keeping organizations competitive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

BPMN: Private vs Public Processes

Private Process – Internal to a specific organization

public business process model is therefore a representation of interactions between an internal business process and participants outside that process. Internal activities of the private business process not having any interaction with the outside participants are not shown in this type of model. In short, its aim is to show only the sequence of message flows of the private business process model with the other participants. Within the internal business process, the only types of activities shown are send message and receive message.

Private Process – Other names:

  • Workflow
  • BPM Processes
  • Orchestration of services
  • Can be executable and non-executable
  • Contained within a single Pool
  • The flow of Messages can cross the Pool boundary to show the interactions that exist between separate private Business Processes

There are two types of private Processes: executable and non-executable.

  • An executable Process is a Process that has been modeled for being executed according to the defined BPMN execution semantics. Of course, during the development
    cycle of the Process, there will be stages in which the Process does not have enough detail to be “executable.”
  • A non-executable Process is a private Process that has been modeled for documenting Process behavior at a modeler-defined level of detail. Thus, information
    needed for execution, such as formal condition expressions are typically not included in a non-executable Process.

Public Process

public business process model is therefore a representation of interactions between an internal business process and participants outside that process. Internal activities of the private business process not having any interaction with the outside participants are not shown in this type of model, while a public Process represents the interactions to and from another Process or Participant

In short, its aim is to show only the sequence of message flows of the private business process model with the other participants. Within the internal business process, the only types of activities shown are send message and receive message.

  • Represents the interactions between a private Business Process and another Process or Participant
  • Only those Activities that are used to communicate to the other Participant(s) are included in the public Process
  • All other “internal” Activities of the private Business Process are not shown
  • Public Process shows to the outside world the Message Flows and the order of those Message Flows that are needed to interact with that Process
  • Public Processes can be modeled separately or within a Collaboration to show the flow of Messages between the public Process Activities and other Participants
  • Called “abstract” in BPMN 1.2.
  • Public Process is orchestrated by the private processes (as oppose to Collaboration)

Collaborative process.

A Collaboration depicts the interactions between two or more business entities. A Collaboration usually contains two or more Pools, representing the Participants
in the Collaboration. The Message exchange between the Participants is shown by a Message Flow that connects two Pools (or the objects within the Pools). The
Messages associated with the Message Flows can also be shown graphically.


A self-contained Choreography (no Pools or Orchestration) is a definition of the expected behavior, basically, a procedural contract between interacting Participants. Although a normal Process exists within a Pool, a Choreography exists between Pools (or Participants).



BPMN Free Resources, Articles, Cheatsheets and Tutorials

Looking for more information about BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) in handouts, or even articles and BPMN pdf tutorials, know that here are excellent materials in my collection to download, read, study and consult when needed! 

  1. BPMN PDF Posters – This BPMN PDF poster is a practical query guide that you should always have on hand. In addition to being very easy to see, it is beautiful enough for you to put on your wall. If you need, on the same page there are versions in several languages, to share with friends around the world!Download here:
  2. BPMN 2.0 handbook  (Sample Chapter) Dr. Bruce Silver – This Sample Chapter presents new process diagram features in BPMN version 2.0, providing a view of processes and how things are done through flowcharts adapted to business processes and their interactions. It shows a wide range of issues worth getting to know. – See all of this by accessing this link:
  3. What is BPMN? – Excellent BPMN article
  4. BPMN – from OMG  and BPM Glossary – Document / Specification and Chapters
  5. BPMN – From Visual Paradigm Online – Free Examples and online editing
  6. BPMN 1.1 Specification from OMG
  7. BPMN 2.0 Specification from OMG
  8. BPMN Lecture Slides – by Marlon Dumas
  9. Introduction to BPMN Slides
  10. BPMN Notation Guide by Gragsystems
  11. BPMN Lecture Notes
  12. BPMN Cheatsheet
  13. BPMN Examples by Camunda
  14. BPMN 2.0 Notation Guide with BPMN Advanced notation and examples by NobleProg
  15. BPMN Tutorial with Example – The Leave Application Process
  16. What is New in BPMN 2.0? by GitBook BPMN
  17. BPMN by Examples – for BPMN 2.0 by OMG





BPMN Gateways: Parallel Splitting and Merging Example

In a BPMN process diagram, all these activities will be depicted by rounded rectangles. The rectangles are connected by arrows, called sequence flows, which
indicate the order of performance.

「BPMN visual paradigm」的圖片搜尋結果"

Parallel Gateways for Splitting and Merging

Where different courses of action are possible, we need branching points. These are called splitting gateways in BPMN and are depicted as diamonds. Synchronization constructs are also covered by (merging) gateways in BPMN and are also depicted as diamonds. In BPMN, a gateway can also be both splitting and merging.

A splitting parallel gateway splits one path into several paths which are to be processed in parallel. There are no conditions for choosing paths; all outgoing sequence flows receive a token when the gateway fires.

A merging parallel (or synchronizing) gateway simply waits until there is at least one token of the same instance on every incoming sequence flow and then produces a token on its (ideally single) outgoing sequence flow.

BPMN Splitting and Merging Example – Order Process

In the Example below, we have two different types of gateways: there is one type where at the split a decision is required, such as “Price > limit?” and “Permission granted?”; this is the default type of gateway, called exclusive gateway. For any given instance, only one path emerging from the split will be taken. The other type, marked with a “plus” sign, is a parallel gateway, where both paths emerging from the split are taken in parallel, that is, the following tasks (“Acknowledge delivery” and “Check invoice”) may be performed in an arbitrary order.

The parallel splitting and merging gateways follow a “bracketing structure”, that is, every path emerging from the splitting gateway is synchronized at the respective
merging gateway.While such a structure has considerable advantages regarding the avoidance of design errors and the proving of certain properties, it is often more than
convenient to allow a deviation from a bracketing structure.

In our example, this can be seen with the exclusive gateways: not every path outgoing from the decision, “Price > limit?”, leads to the respective merge, because if permission is required but not granted, the process instance will be aborted prematurely. The second exclusive split, “Permission granted?”, does not have a corresponding merge at all.

BPMN Gateway Notation Summary:

Gateways control the sequence flow of the process, and can merge or split the flow as dictated by the gateway conditions.

Symbol Description
BPMN_20_GatewayBaseBPMN_20_GatewayExclusive Normal/Exclusive gateway – When splitting, routes the flow to one outgoing branch. When merging, waits for one incoming branch to complete before triggering the outgoing flow.
Parallel gateway – When splitting, activates all outgoing branches simultaneously. When merging, waits for all incoming branches to complete.
BPMN_20_GatewayInclusive Inclusive gateway – When splitting, activates one or more branches. When merging, waits for all incoming branches to complete before merging.
BPMN_20_GatewayEventBase Event-based gateway – Followed by catching events or receive tasks and routes the flow to whichever of these happens first.
BPMN_20_GatewayExclusiveEventBase Exclusive event-based gateway – Starts a new process instance for each occurrence of a subsequent event.
BPMN_20_GatewayParallelEventBase Parallel event-based gateway – Starts a new process instance for the occurrence of all subsequent events.
BPMN_20_GatewayComplex Complex gateway – Treats complex merging or branching behavior not covered by other gateways.

BPMN Example – Business Process Diagram Example: Vendor Management System

This is a BPMN process diagram for vendor management. It shows a to-be purchasing process for creating new Vendors. This BPM shows multiple tasks, gateways (decisions) and connectors.

Vendor Management System

Visual Paradigm BPMN Video: Take a Quick Tour
